the pipeline

Turn YOUR promising donors into proud, invested partners

When it comes to donor relationships, there’s a chasm between knowing what needs to be done—and actually doing it. The Pipeline is your bridge.

let's go

What does your donor pipeline look like?

  • Are you bringing in new donors?

  • Are you raising more from your existing donors?

  • Are you deepening relationships with your biggest donors?

You’re a successful fundraiser with solid experience and a constant stream of good (even great!) ideas for growing your organization. So why do your donor relationships—even the ones with massive potential—so often fall through the cracks?

You know if you focused on donor relationships as much as general campaign implementation, those relationships could reap real results.

But knowing and doing are two very different things.

The Pipeline™

A 1:1 weekly coaching program designed to address the fundraising challenges of Jewish organizations, ThePipeline integrates modern major gift operations traditionally seen in large institutions into a comprehensive approach for nonprofits.

Through relationship-driven strategy, coupled with a clear and robust project management system, The Pipeline offers a proven, results-driven process for donor cultivation and stewardship—the one we use to help organizations raise millions for their annual, capital, and endowment campaigns—to your donor pipeline.

The List

With the help of your coach, you’ll create or fine-tune a list of donor relationships you want to start, sustain, or take to the next level. Narrowing down a list of your most promising supporters is the first step to making them feel like valued partners—not overworked ATM machines.

The Pipeline

Once you’ve made your list, it’s time to replace your current approach (“Call whats-their-name, the rich grandparents”) with a tried-and-true donor management system that is built for results.

Your coach will show you how to run wealth screenings, rate each donor’s giving potential, and break down measurable goals into achievable, bite-sized connection and cultivation tasks that move donors from their current level to the next.

The Work

Once you’ve set up your pipeline, the real work begins. Your coach will conduct weekly calls to help strategize and set actionable tasks that enable you to nurture each donor relationship.

At the start of each week, you'll wake up to a beautifully organized calendar (or list, if you prefer) with tasks to engage and solicit your prospects. Our intentional, tactical approach ensures that no donor or task falls through the cracks.

The Upkeep

We will ensure your prospect and donor lists are regularly refreshed, so you don't suffer from stagnation. We understand the importance of momentum, and we work as your partner so that you feel empowered and prepared to expand your base of support.

The Results

Instead of haphazardly juggling a hundred tasks (and wondering when/if you should quit), you’ll know exactly where to focus your energy. With everything laid out for you clearly and concretely, you’ll always know your best next step.

Attract the right donors, stop worrying about board meetings, and find peace of mind with The Pipeline. Watch your donor base explode with donors who value the work you do.


The success of our annual dinners in the past relied heavily on our honorees. We knew this had to change. In anticipation of our next dinner, The Pipeline gave us coaching and support for three of our professionals and three board members. The incredible donor relationships we developed as a result translated into a 50% increase in giving from prior years.

Alyse Ticker

The Jewish Education Project

meet the coaches

Our fundraising coaches have decades of experience and have solicited millions of dollars for annual and capital campaigns. Now, they’re ready to help you grow your organization—FOR GOOD.

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Elan Burman

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Randy Gorod

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Lisa Stein

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Matt Walzer

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Sam Wisel

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Jason Zwang

For $2,499 per month, you’ll get:

Pipeline set-up with wealth screening, grading, and projected asks for up to 100 prospects

Comprehensive cultivation plans for your donor prospects

Weekly one-hour video coaching calls to set strategic pipeline tasks and track progress

Access to our moves management platform and calendar integration of tasks

Regular review and refreshing of your pipeline to optimize your donor pool

Get started in 5 simple steps


Fill out our simple form. You’ll answer a few questions so we know what you need.


We’ll match you with a coach that best fits your organization’s needs and goals.


On a kickoff call, you and your coach will set your goals so you know who you want to attract and how to do it.


We’ll set up your project management platform and give you any deets you need.


With the help of weekly check-in calls with your coach, you'll be prepared (and pumped) to hit the ground running with clearly defined tasks that put you on the fast track to your goals.

“Finally, a fundraising system that actually works!”

Our coach gave us a fail-proof plan, broken down into concrete, doable tasks, combined with the weekly accountability check-ins we needed to follow through. From prioritizing donor relationships based on giving potential, to creating task checklists—it was exactly what we needed. Finally, have a fundraising system that actually works.

Rabbi Yossi Charner

Director of Development, Torah School of Greater Washington

frequently asked questions

Will I get to choose my coach? Or one will be assigned to me?

Securing high-level gifts is a learned skill, and all our coaches have decades of experience working in senior positions for some of the most respected organizations in the United States and Canada.

But that doesn't mean that every coach is right for every person. We take pride in matching you with a coach who understands the unique challenges of your sector and is a good match overall.

Review our strong team of coaches, and let us know who you want to work with

How is The Pipeline different from Altruicity’s campaign and consulting services?

The Pipeline does not help you screen all your donors, create a comprehensive plan for your organization, or strategize and execute campaigns. For full-blown strategy and project-management, you’ll need our campaign and consulting services. However, the Pipeline is a great place to start. By focusing on a definitive group of donors, you’ll learn practical, results-oriented habits that will change your entire organization’s approach to fundraising.

What if The Pipeline doesn’t work for me? Can I stop at any time?

The Pipeline is a monthly service with no long-term contracts. We’re sure you’ll be happy, but if you’re not, you can stop at any time- no red tape or fine print. 

How much does it cost?

$2,499 per month

What exactly do I get for that price?

You will receive:

​​• Pipeline set up with wealth screening, grading, and projected asks
• Weekly one-hour video coaching call to strategize and set pipeline tasks
• Weekly 30 minute progress call with a progress associate at the end of the week
• Unlimited use of our moves management platform
• Full Integration of your tasks into your calendar
• Regular refreshing of your pipeline

I’m in the middle of an annual campaign. Can I use The Pipeline?

Yes. The Pipeline is designed to engage up to 100 donors in your donor-base. The donors can be part of a campaign or standalone; the process is the same no matter when or where you are in your efforts.

Can The Pipeline provide training for a newly hired, less experienced fundraiser in our organization?

Yes. Our coaches can train your new-ish fundraiser and show them the best practices in fundraising. Get real-life guidance, systematic habits, and advice from the pros who’ve been there before. It’s a lot more effective than “learning on the job”!

If you want your donors to feel invested in your organization…
If you want partners who shoulder your burdens, exult in your joys,
and spread your organization’s name…

You can’t neglect your most powerful tool:
your donor relationships.

get started